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Dr. Meyer

Amber, you ask a very interesting question: Are unconscious forces more powerful than conscious forces? Probably. Cognitive neuroscientists say that we are largely governed by unconscious decision making, by the emotional unconscious. However, once you observe something, and can think about it, you gain some control. That is why it is so important to know your self. Becoming more introspective allows you to study the hidden forces that guide you, many of which are quite knowable. And then they become more manageable. It helps to become an Emotional Detective.

Amber Lutey

This makes complete sense that advertisers would appeal to our basic human needs and desires, yet what is interesting is that subliminal messaging has not been proven to work, but this almost shows that in some aspects it does. Is our unconscious more powerful than our conscious?

Lindsay M

I'm so excited that this topic was brought up! Whenever I watch commercials, or see at advertisements in magazines, I tend to think about it from the advertiser's perspective instead of the consumer's view. I always tend to think about who the advertiser chooses to play a certain role, what that character says, and what the message is trying to say. I completely agree that pairing an attractive person with a product has the ability to increase consumption of the product. This is incredibly insightful!


Valid point! It's interesting to see the subtle marketing advertisers use to link their product with innate human desires. We instinctively as consumers are drawn to their product because we are almost inherently driven to consume


I couldn't agree more with you!

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  • Dr. Meyer has worked in private practice in West Los Angeles for over 25 years, and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and her B.A. from Oberlin College.

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