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I was so sad to hear about this case. I also wondered: How someone who seemed to be a very good person can go this far in making a mistake? A huge mistake that involves the very people that she loved the most? (her children) A case like that really shows us the power of emotions. Emotions could take us that far. That's why I totally agree with the idea of getting to know our emotional world better.

Helping with translation

Here is the translation to what Alice wrote:
I just finished reading all your posts. I can't read or write English so I use the Internet translator. Looking within ourselves is something that fascinate me because it could be surprising, a world as vast as the external world... the way you focus on this inner view, investigating something in particular, self-knowledge, is something extraordinary, it gives me sense and order. I will follow your posts and I will be like a detective.
Thanks a lot Dr.!!

Alice Sailer

Acabo de terminar de leer todos los post en orden de aparición. Yo no sé leer, ni escribir en inglés... por lo que me ayudo con el traductor en línea y de buenas personas que saben el idioma. La mirada hacia el interior es algo que me fascina por lo sorprendente que puede ser, un mundo casi tan vasto como el externo... el enfoque que usted da a esta mirada interior, una investigación con una finalidad determinada, el autoconocimiento, me parece extraordinaria, me da sentido y orden. Seguiré los post y enfocaré mi mirada como un detective.
Muchas gracias Dr. !!

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  • Dr. Meyer has worked in private practice in West Los Angeles for over 25 years, and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and her B.A. from Oberlin College.

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