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His reaction is definitely very extreme, but different people react differently to something as amazing as a double rainbow. I have a friend in particular who I know it would react like the man in the video while I know other people who would look at it with indifference. If he said that he wasn't in drugs maybe we should believe him :)


Vaya!... Muy exagerada la expresión de alegria, y claro acostumbrados como estamos a moderar las emociones no parece raro que la primera opinión sea...-está drogado!- pero puedo empatizar con su alegría y creerla real y honesta. Lo que me cuesta creer es la indiferencia que muchos muestran ante fenómenos increíbles y bellos como ese Arco Iris. Como se puede estar tan anestesiado de los sentidos?
Gracias por el post, me dejó auténticamente alegre!

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  • Dr. Meyer has worked in private practice in West Los Angeles for over 25 years, and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and her B.A. from Oberlin College.

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