Dreams are specific and well timed messages that slip out the back of our minds. Their aim is to express emotions we have ignored or suppressed.
Unspent emotional energy spills effortlessly into our sleeping mind. Imagine dreams serving the same purpose as a waterfall; they both transfer energy into a new space and transform it.
As my dream images take shape, they slip fluidly out the back door of my mind. As I awaken to consciousness, they lurk hesitantly - waiting to be invited in through the front.
Dreams use symbols from recent events and ancient times to express what we already know, but may not see.
As the dreamer, I select a message and use whatever symbols, metaphors, rhythms, and dramatic themes are handy. Because dreams are fueled by emotional energy, their contents naturally shed light on emotional complexities, hidden conflicts, and persistent problems.
Freud noted that seeking meaning in dreams is like looking for pictures in water. Although confusing at first, the astute observer can find meaningful reflections amongst the shifting and distorted images. He believed that the best interpreter of dreams is the person who can best grasp similarities and associate freely.
As a force of nature, dreams must inevitably reveal situations as I know them to be - they are unedited.
When a dream arrives, I - the recipient-dreamer-actor-observer – have a chance to understand myself better. My challenge is to find similarities or parallels between the feelings, contradictions, and complexities of my dreams and my current situation.
Very interesting Post. Bookmarked it.
Posted by: Traumdeutung | 12/26/2011 at 04:39 PM
I love this part:
"When a dream arrives, I - the recipient-dreamer-actor-observer – have a chance to understand myself better. My challenge is to find similarities or parallels between the feelings, contradictions, and complexities of my dreams and my current situation."
I feel that my dreams are a way for my inner self to communicate something important to me. Behind any dream there is always a message, something that puts light into an element of my life that needed some attention or understanding. I take my dreams seriously because they're always happen for a reason.
Posted by: Elsita :) | 07/06/2011 at 05:57 PM