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Dr. Meyer

Thank you for your kind words. Welcome.

Perhaps you can add time in your day to Becoming an Emotional Detective. Constructive introspection is a keystone habit that improves emotional well-being and relationships.

Becoming an Emotional Detective will help you think more carefully about how to find balance in your life. My column presents a map of the Self that broadly outlines primitive, social and reasonable aspects to your personality, suggesting that all three aspects need your time and attention. Check out my series on Three Aspects under Topics on the navigation bar to learn more.

Sounds like a structured day is what you want to set up for yourself. Try getting a calendar and filling in the hours with your intentions. Generate a list of all possible activities. Exercise can take a lot of time and is a great keystone habit. Do you like to cook?

If you want to think more about balance, check out my post on Neglected Needs (http://emotionaldetective.typepad.com/emotional-detective/2011/04/means-and-methods.htm). To get familiar with more of my ideas, check out The Model and Key Posts on the Navigation bar.


I'm thrilled that I stumbled upon your blog today. It's just what I need! I have some unproductive habits. Balance is key and is something that I consistently struggle with. Recently retired, I need to organize and develop habits that will propel me to better health so that I can pursue my other goals. Having a brain that tends toward ADHD, it's difficult to remain focused. Structure and building routine habits is essential. At least when I worked I had more structure but it was becoming difficult to remain focused there too. Tried meds but they don't work for me and I have a heart condition that won't allow me to take certain meds. Staying away from sugars and processed foods would make a huge difference but I always choose the easiest fastest solutions and end up like a rat on a treadmill.

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  • Dr. Meyer has worked in private practice in West Los Angeles for over 25 years, and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and her B.A. from Oberlin College.

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